From Boy to Man
Recently, Faa sat down with him to ask about his goals for after high school. He gave her that kind of smile that starts on his lips but comes out through his big,
bright eyes too.
Recently, Faa sat down with him to ask about his goals for after high school. He gave her that kind of smile that starts on his lips but comes out through his big,
bright eyes too.
At GROW we’re working hard not only with the
children, but with the families too. We believe God’s heart created families to live together, and we believe healing begins with family.
Praise God and thank you so
much for your prayers. At the
end of July, our staff couple
Our child spotlight girl is eight years old. We introduced her during our Rewrite Their Future event in April 2021. She is half-sister to another child who shared her story that evening. She lived homelessly with her single mom. No one wanted to help them. Finally, an uncle allowed them to live in a small space in his house, but they were not really welcomed. “Every time I saw her, she asked to be…
The walls inside are finished. It is now time to clean up the grounds and furnish the rooms with furniture. Soon, the older girls will be moving in!
The corn field shown in the picture is behind the current boys’ home and is the future site of the new boys’ cottages. The field has been harvested and the ground is in process of getting ready for the building to begin. The current boys’ home has a capacity of 10-12 boys. The new boys’ cottages will be a place for older boys and will house up to 30 boys.
In 2012, we began praying for land to expand the ministry. Faa invited people to pray over the land to which she believed God was leading her.
Video update from Faa
In Wiang Pa Pao there has been heavy rain these past few weeks. Last week we had a very bad rain storm, and most of the area in WPP was under flood waters.
She is the youngest of three girls, her two older sisters have been at GROW for about nine years. The girls’ father is currently serving a life sentence for drug trafficking, a crime with strict sentences in Thailand. He was arrested when she was still a baby. But her life changed when she was nine years old.