2025 in Prayer - Calendar

Find below the focus and prayer requests for the month. Each month, you can learn more about GROW and have a focused way of praying for the ministry. Subscribe and donate to help rescue more children.
February 2025
Focus: Love
Jesus loves me this I know, for the Bible tells me so.
Little ones to Him belong. They are weak but He is strong.
Yes, Jesus loves me.
Yes, Jesus loves me.
Yes, Jesus loves me. The Bible tells me so”.
– Written by Anna Bartlett Warner
The words were first written as a poem by Anna’s older sister to comfort a dying child.

We live in a world that is just too casual about love. We use the word “love” to express our feelings for candy, puppy dogs, flowers etc. The Bible says that God is love and apart from Him there is no love (I John 4:8). What makes God’s love so different? Corrie Ten Boom, a Christian prisoner of a Nazi concentration camp described love as the “strongest force in the world”. Only God’s love can break the curse of death with the pouring out of His blood on the cross to cleanse us from our sins (I John 1:7). Only God’s love has the power to transform us (II Corinthians 5:17).
Our sister Faa is an example of the transforming love of God.
“When I saw the little boy from my hill tribe people group being used and abused on the streets, God broke my heart and gave me a supernatural love for children. ‘Lord, let me help just one.’” – Faa
Before Faa spoke these words, she really didn’t like children. She certainly didn’t see herself running a children’s ministry. But when the love for God met the plight of suffering humanity in the form of a little boy, God rained down on her a supernatural love and a supernatural calling, a love force she couldn’t refuse. It compels her even today to the point where she cannot NOT help. Love is so powerful, especially the love of Jesus. When He infuses your life with His love for you, you can’t help but let it spill out onto others. You begin to see the injustice upon the innocent and start to ask, “What can I do, Lord?” Then you only need to listen for His response. Let His great unfathomable and underserving love for you rain down upon you and spill out onto others.
At GROW, children and their families are introduced to the strongest force, God’s love. A love so powerful that it can cast out fear that holds many of the children captive (I John 4:18). A love so strong and powerful that it can rewrite a life story. A love that allows every child the right to say yes, Jesus loves me, yes Jesus loves me, yes Jesus loves me and the Bible tells me so.
“Faith makes all things possible. Love makes them easy.” – D.L. Moody

Prayer: That the children in GROW’s care will learn the love of the Lord and will want to share that love with those around them.