Focus and Pray - February 2023
Find below the focus and prayer requests for the month. Each month you can learn more about GROW and have a focused way of praying for the ministry. Subscribe and donate to help rescue more children.
WHY DOES GROW’S ACTION PLAN INCLUDE WORKING WITH FAMILIES? GROW believes God created families for very important reasons. They are key to healthy children and thriving communities. They impact the children in deep and lasting ways. Healing can begin at GROW but is accelerated when there is growth and healing within the child’s biological family. Read below some stories of family healing then learn more about our Children and Family Programs for healing.
One boy was living at GROW for just over a year. His mom was a single mom with a story of her own past. As Faa worked with her, shared the Gospel, and encouraged her to find work, she began to grow confidence and understand her value. She saw the changes in her son who had accepted Jesus as his Savior. She started her own little restaurant and was making money that could support both of them. Finally, in 2017, the boy was able to return to a healthy home. His mother began closing her restaurant on Sundays. Everybody thought she was crazy because Sundays were big money-making days for her. She explained to them that her son was a Christian and that she had to take him to church. What was important to him was now important to her.
Another family had two daughters living at GROW. They were the poorest family in the poorest village in the area. Nobody in their village gave them much heed. Between 2010-2015, this family changed drastically. As their daughters changed, they took notice. When they became followers of Jesus themselves, the community took notice. People began seeking them out for advice. Village meetings were moved to their poor little hut. God have their entire family a new identity. The oldest sister graduated with a associates degree in accounting, and the younger graduated ninth grade and returned home able to continue school from home.
Our twins have had many hurdles to overcome physically and emotionally. Their mom does as well. For the last three years, Faa has worked with the mom. Now the mom comes once a month to visit her sons. She joins in on trips to the market. Faa spends time talking and praying with her and has encouraged her to find work nearby, so it is easier to visit her sons. Progress is slow but evident.
Our final story is about a boy who came to GROW last year. He, his mother, and baby sister lived in a very small and poor-looking hut. His mom suffered a traumatic brain injury caused by her ex-husband. She struggled to be able to care for her children. Last month she told Faa she was being forced to leave her home. Faa wanted to show God’s love in a very tangible way. She counseled, prayed with her, and tried to meet with village leaders about her situation. The mother had a small list of needed supplies to build herself another small hut but no means. Faa, through the ministry of GROW, was able to provide some of those materials for her.
Action Plan Details:
GROW’s action plan begins before a child arrives at GROW.
Once GROW becomes aware of a child in need, Faa and her staff conduct an investigation. After a child is qualified and is placed on GROW’s list of awaiting children, Faa begins building a relationship with the family. This allows her to gain trust and identify areas where GROW can help now while the child is on the waiting list. Sometime situations can be improved enough to move the child down the list or remove them all together. Once a child is moved to the GROW campus, the relationship with the family continues.
On campus the children experience life in a family complete with learning how to:
- care for themselves (includes doctor and dentist checkups)
- care for others
- care for their surroundings and belongings
They enjoy:
- game and movie nights
- worship nights
- outings like hikes, swimming and walks
- cooking contests
- creating their own “night market”
- serving in the community together
- going on mission trips
Therapy for the children comes in many forms:
- sharing one on one
- sharing in groups
- art
- music
- dance
- baking
- sports
- learning other work together, etc.
Family members have opportunities to:
- meet one on one with Faa and her staff
- development a relationship and develop trust
- attend parenting classes on the GROW campus
- learn to parent with Biblical principles
- hear the Gospel message
- have supervised campus visitations with their children
- have village/home visits with their children
- work toward the return of their children
- learn employable skills
PRAYER: Pray for the effectiveness of the Children and Family programs to bring about healing in these families. Pray for wisdom for Faa and her staff as they develop and improve upon these programs to best meet the needs