Focus and Pray - September 2023
Find below the focus and prayer requests for the month. Each month you can learn more about GROW and have a focused way of praying for the ministry. Subscribe and donate to help rescue more children.
U.S. Staff and Volunteers
GROW is able to serve its donors through the loving work of its two staff members and multiple volunteers. We are so blessed to have the heart and talent of so many people who love this ministry and want to help.
Our volunteers and staff are ordinary people desiring to be a part of God’s extraordinary Kingdom work! If you would like to join our team of volunteers, see the list at the bottom to see where you could fit in.
Learn about how and why these people decided to help.

Executive Director, Jeana Harley, Wooster, OH
I have known Faa since before GROW started and have seen her and this beautiful ministry blossom and grow from the beginning. My favorite part about my work with GROW has been by far watching God work in ways I never imagined and answering prayers in such amazing, only-God-could-do-it fashion. I love Faa and all the children I get to visit with each trip to Thailand. I celebrate when they succeed and weep when they hurt. It continues to be my privilege to serve in this ministry working alongside Faa and our donors. I desire to connect our supporters with the impact of their donations because I want each of them to know as I do what an incredible life-change opportunity these precious children have because of this ministry.
Administrative Assistant, Melissa Butler, Wooster, OH
My husband and I have had the privilege of visiting GROW several times. We were able to see firsthand the incredible work of God through the GROW ministry as well as the tender, loving heart for the children from Faa and her staff. I was excited when I heard almost 2 years ago that the position was open, and that I would have the opportunity to be a part of Kingdom work by rescuing at-risk children. For me, it’s more than a job, it’s a job with eternal value. I get to watch God work through each mailing that we print and send. I get to see how donations make a difference in the lives of hopeless children. I have a front row seat to watch God work in restoring broken lives. I am grateful to play a small part in this remarkable ministry.

Marketing and Design Volunteer, Sai Sinbondit, Washington DC
The experience of living in a refugee camp led Sai Sinbondit to create I_You Design Lab, a non-profit that helps lift the quality of life for vulnerable people through design and development of shelters and products. Sai also volunteers his skills to other non-profits like GROW to design marketing and video materials that help them connect with their donors. Sai recently has been designing our newsletters, promo videos and campaign marketing materials. His work has been a huge blessing!
IT and Website Manager, Ron Tosto, Walnut Creek, CA
While there are several ways I have supported GROW as a volunteer, my current activities are IT support and Webmaster. The webmaster work involves semi-significant updates to the website and ensuring the board, staff, and other volunteers can use blog features to provide updates to supporters and those wanting to learn about GROW. The IT work focuses on the organizational network to keep email, work production, and file storage operational for everyone providing support. The number one reason for supporting as a volunteer is the rescue of children. No matter the work or the location, providing one’s talents is sharing His gift in you.

Mailing Volunteers, Chuck, Margie, Penny, Mary Etta and more, Wayne County, OH
Every three months, 5-8 men and women gather to prepare the mailing of our quarterly printed newsletters. We are so grateful for their hours of loving labor. It helps GROW keep our U.S. costs low, so we can focus more on the needs of the children.
Traveling Companion and Product Organizer, Donna Pycraft, Grafton, OH
I first learned about GROW in mid-2017 from Jeana. After hearing about the ministry, I felt called to go to Thailand I have always had a heart for children and their needs. I am more of a behind the scenes type of worker and assist wherever needed. One thing I do to help is when Jeana and Faa are purchasing items from mostly Hill Tribe people to bring back to the U.S. This helps support their families. I help to manage the product both in Thailand and when we return home. I am happy to be a small part of the rescue and healing of the children and their families.

Conference Rep, Connie Benchoff, Ellenton, FL
We are grateful for Connie and others who help at our booth/store during conferences. This year, one of our conferences was in Florida to where she recently moved. Connie and her husband helped set up and tear down. She worked alongside our Executive Director to share about the ministry and sell ministry-supporting items form Thailand as conference attendees made their way to our exhibit.
Social Media Coordinator, Bethany Foreman, Toledo, OH
As the Social Media Coordinator, I manage the public Facebook, Instagram and Twitter accounts. I also publish the “News” section and the “Prayer Calendar” on the GROW webpage. It is important to me to remain up to date on events happening at the GROW campus and to share this information with the GROW community in the U.S. and worldwide. I want to be a part of this ministry and help rescue kids. Being involved in this way helps me to stay connected.

Special Event Volunteers, too many to mention.
What a blessing to have a group pf people to call upon to help with the set up and tear down of events
like All Thai’d Up for Christmas Shopping Extravaganza (currently in Wooster, Ohio and Maumee Valley,
Ohio) and other fundraising events. We couldn’t do it without you!
PRAYER: Please pray for those serving this ministry. Pray how you might be able to join us.
U.S. Volunteer and Intern Opportunities
- Social Media Coordinator
- Web administer / developer
- Google Workspace administer
- eCommerce / Store agent
- Graphic Artist (Experience in Adobe Create Cloud)
- Videographer and editor (Develop YouTube Content)
- Photographer
- Short Story Writer
- SEO Website
- Social Media Advocate (Like and share all our public social media so others can find us easier)
- Content Writer
- Fundraising
- Area Rep (Host a gathering where we can share about GROW)
- Conference Rep
- Mailing Volunteers (must be willing and able to meet in Wooster, Ohio)
- Board Member