Focus and Pray - August 2023
Find below the focus and prayer requests for the month. Each month you can learn more about GROW and have a focused way of praying for the ministry. Subscribe and donate to help rescue more children.
TRAUMA – “A deeply distressing or disturbing experience.”

All the children at GROW, Faa, and perhaps you or someone you love has experienced trauma. Because we live in a fallen world, it seems like trauma exists all around us. GROW strives to heal those who have gone through some of the deepest forms of trauma.
Faa and her staff work to move children from the present reality of their situations to having a hope and a future. This is accomplished through counseling, the Gospel, therapy activities and lots of prayer and love. When a child is rescued, they are welcomed into the GROW family where healing can begin.
“After a traumatic event, your sense of self may change. The traumatic event may seem to define you, simply because the negative impact is so overwhelming. The final stage of trauma recovery helps to overcome these effects so you can lead a fulfilling and joyful life.
During this phase, you‘ll work on cultivating a new sense of self. You’ll also learn how to build upon healthy experiences and plan for the future.
By now, the trauma itself becomes integrated as a part of your history. It no longer defines you and instead becomes one chapter in your life story. You recognize the impact of the event and what it means, and now you’re ready to take action. This stage is about making meaning out of the traumatic event.”
Our goal for these precious children and their families is to close the chapter on their abuse, understand who they are because of Christ, and live out the hopeful future Jesus has prepared for them. We want them to live victoriously and to help others along the way.
Over 20 children have been able to return to their homes. Many more living on the GROW campus are in the healing process. Your support is helping us do that!
You can review our plan to help heal the children from our January 2022 calendar post here: https://grow-worldwide.com/prayercalendar/2022-prayer-calendar/january/
If you are interested in Faa’s journey with trauma, visit the following link: https://grow-worldwide.com/faas-journey-with-trauma/

Want to delve deeper into this subject?
What are the signs of trauma in children? https://www.ecmhc.org/tutorials/trauma/mod3_1.html
Dealing with Trauma from a Christian Perspective. https://millcreekchristiancounseling.com/trauma-treatment-and-recovery-from-a-christian-perspective/#:~:text=From%20a%20Christian%20perspective%2C%20therapy,these%20can%20be%20wrestled%20with
The Stages of Trauma and Recovery. https://www.claritytherapynyc.com/stages-of-trauma-and-recovery/