God is Moving and Blessing Grow

God is Moving and Blessing Grow

Since we kicked off our 10 Year Celebration, so many things have transpired. The list includes: GROW hosts pastors’ worship and training time, outreach to local public schools with visiting U.S. teams, anti-drug march, four children graduate from junior high school, summer camp, passports and visas for 10 children were secured, plans were made for the U.S. tour, our co-founder,…

Winter 2019

Winter 2019

Hello Friends, Greetings in the name of Jesus Christ to you from Lititz, PA during my fundraising trip in this super cold weather welcoming the holiday season. I am so excited to see the snow fall out of the sky onto the ground. I said out loud, “Thank you,” to God for this opportunity to see snow…

They Are NOT Just A Number

They Are NOT Just A Number

In the mountains of northern Thailand hilltribe families in abject poverty often have multiple children. To facilitate day-to-day communication, sometimes they simply number their children—1 to 12, for example. It’s not that the children don’t have names, but they essentially live as if they didn’t. Every time someone needs something, all they need to do is yell a…

Off To College

Off To College

Our first two children have started college. One is studying accounting at a vocational college in Wiang Pa Pao about 20 minutes from our campus. Her dream and hope is to be able to help GROW in the future. The other girl is studying Chinese Language at Mae Fah Luang University. I am so happy to see these…