2024 in Prayer - Calendar

Find below the focus and prayer requests for the month. Each month, you can learn more about GROW and have a focused way of praying for the ministry. Subscribe and donate to help rescue more children.
January - 2024
Focus: Teams
Prayer for visiting teams 2024
“I keep fighting voices in my mind that say I’m not enough.
Everything single lie that tells me I will never measure up…..”
– Lauren Daigle
“Oh God, I believed every one of those lies. I thought I was unloved and unwanted. I had no dreams of a future. I never knew you wanted me. I thought I was just a mistake. But then you sent teams, who said the same thing that Faa said. They said I was loved very much and that You had a good plan for my life (Jeremiah 29:11). The teams showed all of us your love by helping us in so many ways and constantly telling us all about You. And what was really exciting was most of the teams traveled from the other side of the world just to do that. Oh God, I must be very important to You. Now when Satan tells me lies, that I am of no value and not loved, I know that isn’t true. You, God, have rescued me and shown me your love. My future is in you….”
– Prayer from the children at GROW

“The only thing that matters now is everything You think of me.
In You I find my worth, in You I find my identity….”
– Lauren Daigle
The reflections of the Texas Team:
“Though our church has been in partnership with GROW since its inception, we have never been able to spend more than a day visiting the children and staff. God allowed us a beautiful three-day connection this past November. Our team of five was able to share with the children a couple of nights as they worshiped, prayed, and shared with each other. Sunday worship with the GROW family was a real encouragement, as was the extended hang out time Sunday afternoon. One of the high points for our team was getting to take the older children on an outing. We marveled at the mountains together, enjoyed delicious coffee with a view, and spent a while at the mall getting a taste of the big city. By far, the highlight of the day for our team was getting to watch the kids enjoy themselves. Of course, we loved getting to spend quality time with Faa and her staff in between the other activities. We left GROW feeling incredibly encouraged by the level of care the children are enjoying and the healing God is working in their lives. Thanks to God for GROW and for a great visit!”
– Walter Thompson Outreach Pastor
“I loved our experience and time at GROW! It was really moving in many ways. The love, commitment and encouragement that Faa and her staff show the children will stay with me forever. It was enlightening and joyful to witness their daily life in action—I’m grateful we had three days to grasp a glimpse of God’s beautiful work!’
-Julie Edwards, First Presbyterian Church

Please consider being part of a team to tear down the stronghold that Satan has built in these children’s lives. Here are just a few ideas where God can use your talents and labor in the battle for children:
Work projects and repairs
Planting and harvesting
Interacting with children through skills such as sports, music, baking, gardening, wood working, jewelry making etc.
Music or English camps
Prayer: Pray for the teams that will be visiting in 2024. Pray that they can have a positive impact on the children and staff at GROW.
If you are interested in bringing a team to GROW, contact Jeana at jharley@grow-worldwide.com