Prayer Calendar - April
Each month we will learn more about the GROW mission and pray for the ministry in Thailand. Don’t forget to set a reminder to return at the beginning each month for the learning and prayer opportunity.

Read below about the GROW history.
A brief history of GROW

God provided GROW with a bus only two months after theThai governments made it a requirement for transporting the children to school. In addition, it is used for GROW outings with the kids and for transporting large supplies to the campus.

The Multi Purpose Building houses our first permanent kitchen and cafeteria. Other uses include a library, computer room, study area, small store, activity area, and our church.

In order to develop sustainability in the ministry providing healthy rice and teaching agricultural skills, GROW purchased a rice paddy. It provides over half a year's worth of rice for the children on our campus.

Our GROW staff decided to pull together for over a year to build this small addition onto the Multi-Purpose Building. It provides an additional 2nd-floor fire escape, a place to bake, and a small cafe area used for Sunday school and other gatherings. For some of the GROW children, baking is therapy. For others, it's an entrepreneurial opportunity. Faa all, it's getting to eat pizza and brownies!

Faa prayed for a tractor for several years. With this tractor, our work in the gardens, rice paddy, and groundskeeping are much more efficient. With it, we can make repairs to the dirt road leading to our campus making it safe for the GROW bus during the rainy season. (Road crews do not maintain this road.)

Our training center consists of three areas: a little store, a barber/salon, and a woodworking shop. Kids are learning skills here they can use throughout their lives to support themselves and their families in the future. Kids gain confidence and experience while they learn.
ACTION: Give Thanks for God’s provisions in the past and ask Him to be faithful to GROW now and in the future.