Focus and Pray - November 2023
Find below the focus and prayer requests for the month. Each month you can learn more about GROW and have a focused way of praying for the ministry. Subscribe and donate to help rescue more children.

Gifts – Items Purchased from GROW
We do our best to communicate to you how your gifts of time, talents and finances are making a difference at GROW. This month I want to share with you how we (GROW and you) can impact the communities and lift families up in Thailand through items you may have purchased for yourself or as gifts for others from GROW.
Many of you have been to one of our All Thai’d Up for Christmas events, church event or home gathering where Faa and/or I have bought items from Thailand to sell to support the ministry. Maybe you have wondered…
Why do we do it?
Where does this stuff come from?
Who does it help?
Here are those answers.

Of course, to support the ministry. All proceeds from sales go back into our ministry. We hope you use these items to share with others about GROW and to pray for us when you use them.

1. GROW children
2. Hill tribe people who need financial help
3. Former staff

- The children make items as part of their art therapy or micro-enterprise businesses. 50% goes to the child’s bank account (Faa teaches tithing from this). 30% is saved to use to help poor families in the community to buy uniforms so they can go to school. This teaches the children to give back to others. 20% is used to buy their supplies and teach business management.
- Hill tribe people groups where economic development is poor, and trafficking is high. We build relationships with people as we purchase items they either make or sell. These relationships give us opportunities to share the Gospel and support these families so they have the means to care for their children with the hope of deterring traffickers.
- Former staff who now have a church in their home in Chiang Mai. Nung is a professional seamstress who works from her home to help support her husband and church (Pastors not receiving a salary from the church is very common in Thailand). The GROW children work with her as she sews small bags, pillow covers, blankets, elephant pants, pajama pants and more. We are in the process of expanding this sewing ministry so that Nung can train and employ ladies in their church. The WINS? Giving ladies an honest income, training our children, employing some of our children’s parents, supporting this local church, providing school uniforms for the GROW children, providing school uniforms to under resourced families in our community, generate sustainable income for GROW by selling uniforms to others.

So, when you make a purchase from GROW, you can know the multiplied impact you are having on GROW and those we serve in northern Thailand. Thank you so much for your support in this way, too.
NOTE* There are two All Thai’d Up for Christmas Shopping events this year. Stop by and shop for Christmas gifts if you are in the vicinity!
- November 17th (4 PM – 7 PM) and 18th (9 AM – 2 PM) at Wooster Grace Church in Wooster, Ohio
- December 2 (9 AM – 3 PM ) at Maumee Valley Church in Maumee, Ohio