Focus and Pray - December 2023
Find below the focus and prayer requests for the month. Each month you can learn more about GROW and have a focused way of praying for the ministry. Subscribe and donate to help rescue more children.

As we encounter December, I think of the Christmas story, the beginning of the new covenant God made with man. He starts the New Testament with Jesus’s genealogy, a list of family members. That list shows us that Jesus was fully man and fully God. It showed us His identity. Today, family is no different, it gives us a sense of identity. That’s why GROW works to unite children not only with their earthly family, but with their heavenly Father.
Pim’s story was featured in January’s prayer calendar 2023.
“Look what you’ve done in me.”
You spoke Your truth into the lies I let my heart belief.
Look at me now.
Look how you made me new.”
– by Tasha Layton
Look, that’s our Pim. She is a new creation in Christ Jesus. And He is in the process of making her family new too. January Focus and Pray 2023
The rest of the story is…..
Pim had found what she needed – Jesus. With the mentoring support of GROW, by March, Pim was ready to begin the journey of helping her family find what they needed- Jesus. Her first step was to take on the responsibility of being on her own with her three sons. Meanwhile her husband, the father of her sons, was released from prison. Pim had learned the importance of family from GROW so she sought restoration of her marriage. She started visiting her husband and later took the boys with her for those visits. Before long they were spending weekends together as a family. Today they live as a family. The boys return to GROW only for visits now. GROW was their first home but was never intended to be their final home.
Look what He’s done….

Here at GROW, in 2020, we were doubly blessed when our twins, Best and Ball arrived. As we began to investigate their
family history, we found multiple family disconnections and dysfunction. They lived with their grandparents who served as their main care-givers in the mountain village. Their mother was working in southern Thailand and their father’s
whereabouts was unknown. These disconnections and dysfunction were traumatizing to our twins, causing them to
become our greatest challenge. They were longing to see their dad, and we could only provide a picture. There were even
times we could not get them to their needed health appointments to address their emotional/behavior needs due
to Covid.
But God….
We were able to move their mother closer. We found a place for her to be able to continue her job and visit her sons. With
the help of the twins’ grandmother and many prayers, we were able to locate their dad and invite him to GROW where he
could visit his sons. The joy the twins had as they realized that they had a real dad was indescribable. Their smiles could not
be contained. The journey of family for Best and Ball is only beginning. We know there will be many bumpy roads ahead.
But God…