2025 in Prayer - Calendar

Find below the focus and prayer requests for the month. Each month, you can learn more about GROW and have a focused way of praying for the ministry. Subscribe and donate to help rescue more children.
January 2025
Focus: New Beginnings
“For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them.” -Ephesians 2:10

Reset is defined as an act or instance of setting, adjusting or fixing something in a new or different way. As a new year begins, often many long for an opportunity to push a reset button. Their health or business or even relationships have fallen short of their dreams and expectations. Often, they are deceived and think that resolving to make better choices, trying harder, or thinking positively can reset their lives and put them on the path they had hoped for. Their hope is placed in what they can do, only to find themselves broken and disappointed again.
So, what is the answer? Where can one go for a change or a new beginning. II Corinthians says, “Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new.” God’s Word tells us that a new beginning comes from surrendering to the redemptive power of the cross. When one puts to death all feeble attempts to gain a future, God steps in and redeems them for Himself giving one a future of promises, a brand-new beginning.
GROW bears witness to the power of Christ Jesus and to the new beginnings only He can give. The following are snippets of new beginnings experienced by children from our three campuses.
1. One young boy fell, broke his arm, had surgery and is now in a cast and healing. Jesus is not only healing his arm but is also healing the brokenness of his heart where new beginnings always start.
2. A mom and dad who have been separated from their children for 14 years have surrendered to the Lord, leaving their lives of selfish and evil ways. A new beginning is blossoming for this family.
3. A young girl whose father shot and killed her mother lacked love, food, and health. God is giving her a new beginning at GROW Hope Cambodia where she is thriving.
4. A 13-year-old from an abusive home, who was not able to go to school, found a new beginning at Sending Hope International which is now GROW Hope Thailand. She is now loved, cared for and has heard the Gospel.
5. Having no ID and no hope of traveling beyond their villages, many children now see how God made a way for them to come to GROW. Here, because of the on-going support and project donations, these precious children can realize the hope of a new beginning in their hearts and lives. Jesus Christ is making a way for them and their families. He is in the business of new beginnings!

1. Thank God for the hope we have and can share because of Jesus.
2. We are thanking God for your support so that GROW can continue to introduce others to “a new beginning” in Christ Jesus.
3. Pray for the children God has yet for GROW to reach.