2024 in Prayer - Calendar

Find below the focus and prayer requests for the month. Each month, you can learn more about GROW and have a focused way of praying for the ministry. Subscribe and donate to help rescue more children.
September - 2024
Focus: Development of New Land
1 Joshua 14:6-14 (paraphrased)
“Caleb said to Joshua, “You know the word which the Lord spoke to Moses about you and me. I was 40 years old when Moses sent me to spy out the land and I brought back the word that was in my heart. Even though others spoke words of fear concerning the land, I followed the Lord my God fully. Because I followed the Lord fully, Moses promised me and my children the land for an inheritance. And now I am 85 years old and am strong and healthy so give me the land promised”. So, Joshua blessed him and gave him the land and Hebron became the inheritance of Caleb because he served the Lord fully”.

Like Caleb, God has graciously provided additional land for GROW with the purchase of two parcels of land just outside our campus walls. We want to use this land to fully serve our Lord and Savior. God has called us to bring the hope of Jesus to the children at GROW and their families. We want to be wise with God’s provisions. Our immediate purpose was to farm it for the ever-increasing needs of our growing children. Corn was our first crop. As we look to the future, we have plans to continue to use a large portion of it for farming. Thinking of how we could better serve our children and their families, we want to develop the land further with infrastructure and a place where we can oversee family visitations and counseling in a safe location. We envision this land expanding our efforts to serve the GROW children, their families and the community. Whether that’s from a Family Visitation and Counseling Center to a future community center, to sharing our produce bounty, to a church located outside the walls of where the children live, it is GROW’s desire to reach as many as we can with the Gospel.

PRAYER: Pray with us to be like Caleb and fully serve the Lord.
Pray for the wisdom to hear God’s direction and to follow it.
Pray for a spiritual impact on all throughout the course of this project.
Pray that we would see God’s hand in every step.
Pray also for His continued faithfulness to provide for the work He is doing through this ministry.
Pray for funding for these projects that will reach more people with the loving Gospel of Jesus.