December's Prayer
Each month we will learn more about the GROW mission and pray for the ministry in Thailand. Don’t forget to set a reminder to return at the beginning each month for the learning and prayer opportunity.

The Hill Tribe Story
The hill tribes are a group of ethnic minorities living in the highlands of continental Southeast Asia. They are a people without citizenship. Though members of hill tribes are eligible for Thai citizenship under national law, many are unable to attain it due to complex regulations, lack of access to resources, social prejudice, and government apathy.
Without citizenship status, hill tribe members cannot own land and are not protected by labor laws. They cannot travel freely between districts and have no access to social welfare services like subsidized healthcare. Those without citizenship are subject to arrest and fines.
Alcoholism and drug use run rampant within these people groups. Domestic violence is common and puts an even heavier burden on the poorest of the poor.
With lives circumscribed by incredibly limited opportunities, hill tribe men, women, and children are particularly vulnerable to lies intended to lure them into systems of violent oppression, including human trafficking, and become easy prey for those who wish to exploit them.
By donating to GROW, you help us research, identify, and provide the legal paperwork for us to bring a child suffering from abuse and/or extreme neglect to GROW. We have worked with organizations like IJM (International Justice Mission, to help the children gain their Thai ID and citizenship. Your donations help us provide medical and emotional support. You ensure that they will be able to go to school and be children again. Your support allows us to engage their families in family programs to help end the cycle of abuse and neglect of the children. By educating and supporting these families, and working with village leaders, we are also building thriving communities.
When you join the GROW family with your support, you are rescuing at-risk children, restoring their broken lives, and equipping them to impact their families and communities. Thank you! Together we will rewrite their future!
Pray for the children waiting for rescue.
Coming in January