Campus Expansion
Have you ever prayed for something for months, even years, waiting for God to open doors or change hearts? Then, one day, you realize He is doing just that.
Well, that’s exactly where GROW is today, and we are praising God. For eight years, every day, when Faa walked out the gate of the campus in Thailand, she prayed and asked God to give us the land on the other side of the gate. For years, the land owner didn’t want to divide up his 100-plus acre lot. For years, he told Faa, “no.” Faa kept asking God and the owner.
Recently, the owner had a change of heart and agreed to sell GROW almost six acres directly across from our current campus.

Campus Expansion Details
Approx. 6 acres
Cost $160,000
Capital Funds: $80,000
To Be Raised: $80,000
- Replace agricultural area lost by new homes
- Protection against squatters and troublemakers
- Location of a guest house/visiting parent rooms
- Additional Staff housing, including a place home for Faa, who has been living in her office.
- Space for additional training centers