2024 in Prayer - Calendar

Prayer Calendar 2023 Girl with face paint
Prayer Calendar 2023 Boy
Prayer Calendar 2023 Girl with smile
Prayer Calendar 2023 Girl in tribal cloths
Prayer Calendar 2023 oldest boy
Prayer Calendar 2023 Girl eating noodles

Find below the focus and prayer requests for the month.  Each month, you can learn more about GROW and have a focused way of praying for the ministry.  Subscribe and donate to help rescue more children.

June - 2024
Focus: Construction Part 2
Pray for the crew's salvation.

“Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father who is in heaven.” 
Matthew 5:16 

On the outside, 

The Shook team’s recent visit to GROW in February had a definite impact on the GROW facility. God used the Shook team to advance the construction of an additional girls’ home during their 10-day visit. The Shook team worked alongside the Thai construction team laying bricks, building railing, assisting with roofing, adding a drainage line for the filtration system and completing other small maintenance jobs. We praise God for every step in enabling us to provide provisions for more children to be rescued.  

BUT, on the inside, 

 “And so, we know and rely on the love God has for us. God is love. Whoever lives in love lives in God and God in them. 
I John 4:16 

Construction was also happening in the hearts of the Shook team, the children and the staff at GROW.  There was something bigger than a home being built and something stronger than bricks being used. One team described it as “touching moments that were not earthly”. God was using a different kind of brick to bind them all together. 

It was not earthly; God was building a relationship between the Shook team and GROW. The materials He was using was love, unconditional love, and joy.  As one Shook member stated, “You can’t compare the love of God to anything.” The witnessing of joy emerging from children having overcome unimaginable situations is anything but earthly.  It takes the intervention of a loving savior, Jesus Christ, to produce such joy and hope.

 The lives of the Shook team, the GROW children and GROW staff were marked by acts of service and gratitude.  A Shook members described the experience as witnessing amazing grace for eight days; a deepening of faith, and a challenge to consider how are we marking others’ lives. 

Look inward! What is the mark you are leaving in others’ lives? 

“We love because He first loved us.” 
I John 4:19 

PRAYER: Please pray for Num, the Thai contractor for GROW, that he might desire the love and hope that a relationship with Jesus brings. Pray that the demonstrations and receiving of unconditional love between the team, the staff and the children creates a longing in his heart and that of his crew for that same kind of love from our Savior.  (For privacy matters, we have left the Thai crew out of the pictures posted here)

Jan '24 Prayer Focus
Feb '24 Prayer Focus
Mar '24 Prayer Focus

Water Festival
Pray for

Pray for kids’

Construction 2
Pray for the crew’s salvation