The land expandtion has been fully funded. Consider giveing to the new furture girls dorm with the link at the top of the page.
To rescue at-risk children, restore their broken lives and equip them to impact their families and communities.
MATCHING DONATION: Through a generous donor, all gifts received for the purchase of the land beginning August 11th, will be matched up to $40,000! Have your donation matched today!
Ever since we moved to our current campus, we’ve prayed for God to open the door at the right time for us to expand onto neighboring land. Every month for years, Faa called the owner and asked him to sell us a part of his 100 acres. Every time he said “no”. That is until last year. He offered us two parcels of land right across the road, a total of 6 acres, for a discounted price.
The first parcel was purchased at the end of 2022 with capital funds. We have until December 31, 2023, to pay for the second parcel. The owner’s adult grandson is a believer who would like to see GROW use the land. He has been instrumental in this opportunity. Now we need you to join us and be another piece of this answered prayer.
Your donation toward the Land To Expand Project will be matched up to $40,000!!!
Prefer to donate by automatic transfer? Download the ACH authorization form, complete it, and mail it to us. It is quick and easy.
Paying by credit and debit card is a great way to give recurring donations. Complete the form to the left. If you prefer PayPal, follow this PayPal link.
To donate by paper check, mail it to:
P.O. Box 1862
Wooster, OH 44691
Note: Anotate on the ACH form, check, or PayPal memo with Girl’s Dorm Appeal.
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This land expansion has been fully funded.
Thank you to everyone that gave!